Biomolecular Techniques – BIO6170 – course coordinator

A lecture component of the MS in Biomolecular Science program. Multiple instructors with a range of relevant expertise introduce graduate students to modern techniques used in the labs at AU, including NMR, Mass Spec, microscopy, flow cytometry and molecular biology.

Principles of Biology – BIO1107

This course is a study of the unifying concepts of the biotic world including biochemistry, cell b

This course is a study of the unifying concepts of the biotic world including biochemistry, cell biology, energy and metabolism, genetics, and evolution. It is designed for biology and other science majors, and is a foundational class for those pursuing a biology degree. 

Cell Biology – BIO3400

Structure and function of cells: cell architecture and organization, cell cycle, membrane phenomena, organellogenesis, energy transduction, and cellular control mechanisms.

Advanced Cell Biology – BIO4700

A CREATE (consider, read, elucidate hypotheses, analyze data, and think of the next experiment) framework course focusing on the work of a single lab (including live Q&As with the authors of publications from the lab and a detailed breakdown of the techniques used), which culminates in the students creating their own peer reviewed NSF-style proposals for a set of experiments that would take that work forward. Supporting lectures are on the topics of cell motility, cytoskeleton, cell communication, cell biology of development and stem cells.